
Password protect file mac terminal
Password protect file mac terminal

password protect file mac terminal

You can also limit the users to actions other than GET, ie POST or PUT for cgi-bin files. Obviously, replace this with the real user name you'd like to use. You could also add group restrictions, but in this case, I'm just protecting for users ("username" in the sample). In this case, I used a folder called "webstuff" in foo's user directory. Notice that the first line references a file outside the web server's structure. htaccessInsert the following lines in the new file: AuthUserFile /Users/foo/webstuff/.htpasswd I'm going to use vi as the editor, but pick your personal favorite. You need to do the following from within a terminal session. Let's assume that your username is foo, and that your web server files are in the default OS X location, /Library/WebServer/Documents. Read on to see how I used this to protect my home site. htaccess file in the top directory of your server pages folders, you will protect all the files in your domain.

password protect file mac terminal

htaccess file, and then checks each sub-directory down to and including the directory that holds the requested page.

password protect file mac terminal

When your server goes to serve a page, it looks in the top directory for an. "Guestwhat" wrote in with a question: Could someone help me to enable a turn key on my web site in Mac OS X Beta? What I meant was when a user log go to my web site I want to have a username and password inorder for them to access.One method of doing this is with.

Password protect file mac terminal